Clear Quartz: Meanings and Proprieties

Clear Quartz: The Overachiever

Clear quartz is by far the most versatile and well known healing crystal. This stone is known as the “master healer” and it has the ability to amplify energies and intentions, making it a must have in your crystal collection. This crystal can achieve anything you put your mind to, so let’s take a deeper look into its history to see how it became one of the most powerful crystals around.


A Long History

Clear quartz has such a deep, broad history. This stone is the most common and abundant in the world, thought to be a gift from Mother Earth herself in ancient times. It received its name from the Greek word “krystallos,”meaning “ice,” which is no surprise due to the resemblance. The Greek’s actually believed this crystal was water which froze so deeply that it would never thaw, further implying the power this stone holds. Clear quartz has been valued by many different civilizations and cultures, over many lands, throughout the centuries. It is believed that this stone had been used as far back as the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria, and then passed along through ancient Egypt, the Aztecs, Native Americans, Romans, and Scots, just to name a few. It’s even been said that the original crystal balls used by ancient clairvoyants for predicting the future were made from clear quartz. Let’s take a look into the meanings and properties of this luminous stone to see why it's so popular.


Metaphysical Meanings & Properties

Clear quartz is so powerful that it can literally intensify all the energy around it. It has the ability to amplify the properties of other stones and can maximize manifestation by enhancing your intentions. It really is a high vibe stone with the potential to bring light energy wherever it’s needed.


This crystal is connected to the crown chakra, located at the top of your head. It can be used for connecting to your higher self and the divine, and helps to clear your mind so that you can be connected to all that is. This stone strengthens your concentration and filters out any mental distractions, making it a great stone to work with when you need to gain clarity on a certain situation. The connection to the mind goes deeper than just your waking state though, it's also a powerful stone to work with then you’re asleep so that you can fully remember your dreams and the messages they bring.


Clear quartz has the ability to cleanse your mind, body, and soul. Its purifying properties wipe out inner negativity, helping you to focus on the positive and obtain inner peace. It can also increase your awareness, which makes it an amazing stone to meditate with, and when we do this we are able to live happier, more fulfilled lives. This stone has been proven to increase our overall well being with the ability to stimulate the immune and circulatory systems, which increases our energy flow so that we can live in a state of balance and harmony.


How To Use Crystal Quartz

Clear quartz is the original overachiever. Whenever we are harnessing its energy, we can be sure that the success rate will be 100%. Let’s look into a few different ways that we can use this crystal in our everyday life.

  • Wear clear quartz when you’re looking to walk through life connected to your higher powers, with awareness and mental clarity.
  • Use clear quartz in your crystal grids to enhance your intentions and the energy of the other crystals.
  • Meditate with this stone to open your crown chakra and strengthen your connection to your higher self.
  • Sleep with this stone near your bed so that you’ll experience clarity while dreaming and receive any messages from the spiritual world.
  • Carry a piece of clear quartz around with you when you need a little bit of cleansing and help with staying positive.


It’s no secret that this stone has ancient, healing powers. Clear quartz has been around a LONG time, helping us keep the vibe high, and will continue to do so for years to come.


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